Infection prevention issues are the most frequent high-risk regulatory survey findings, often putting the organization’s accreditation or Medicare certification at risk. Common vulnerabilities include:
- Adherence to the equipment sterilization cycle (use, collection, transportation, decontamination, cleaning, sterilization/disinfection, and storage)
- Maintaining appropriate temperature, humidity, and airflow to critical locations
- Safe food handling and storage
- Environmental cleanliness and safety
- Appropriate use of personal protective equipment
- Standard and transmission-based precautions
- Epidemic/pandemic readiness
Significant survey challenges cannot be met by scarce infection prevention resources alone. There must be an organization-wide, comprehensive approach that engraves prevention into the culture of the entire organization. Our faculty will offer practical approaches to meet and overcome these survey challenges.
- Plan to overcome the top 10 infection prevention survey vulnerabilities
- Develop and implement sustainable, common-sense solutions to address daunting infection prevention challenges
- Make preventing infections everyone’s focus