While it’s not something any hospital wants to acknowledge, the threat of receiving a CMS Statement of Deficiencies (CMS Form 2567) with Notice of Immediate Jeopardy or Notice of Termination is a reality. Hundreds of hospitals receive such notice every year. It is imperative that you know how to respond to a CMS termination letter in the event that your hospital does not meet compliance to continue participation in the Medicare program.
Chartis Clinical Quality Solutions invites you to view our CMS survival guide infographic that summarizes the key components of navigating a CMS termination and tips to resolving threats to your Medicare certification.

Receive a CMS Adverse Action Notice? We can help!
If you need immediate assistance responding to regulatory and accreditation activity, please contact us today. Chartis Clinical Quality Solutions brings unmatched expertise helping clients develop Plans of Correction to address threats to accreditation or certification.